We are excited to announce the 10th annual Armed Forces Thanksgiving luncheon saluting our local United States military members…past, present, and future. This year’s event will take place at the JW Marriott on Friday, May 16th during Armed Forces Appreciation Month.
While our primary mission is to advocate for our military members, we have been able to make a significant donation each year to the West Michigan Veterans Coalition so that they can continue their mission of improving the lives of veterans and their families by connecting them to all available services and resources in West Michigan.
We hope you can join us on May 16th and show our military men and women how grateful we are for their bravery and heroism. It is community members like you who realize the freedoms we enjoy are a result of the tremendous sacrifices our military personnel have made.
Robert Hughes Joe DiBenedetto
Advantage Benefits Group Lambert & Co.
Armed Forces Thanksgiving Co-Chairman Armed Forces Thanksgiving Co-Chairman